Friday, March 18, 2011

Old is Gold - atleast once in a while......

Two years ago, all the manual taps in my office got replaced with auto taps, the ones with sensors that can detect the motion of your hand underneath and turn on and off water. Today most of them fail to detect the hand motion and refuses to turn on water or once turned on refuses to turn off water or turn on the water for such a short duration that it is practically useless. Of course, auto taps are so very today, but did my company necessarily have to replace the old manual ones with these? The answer probably is no. In fact, they would be now incurring extra water taxes due to wastage.

Isn't this situation so very familiar to most of us? How many times after consummation of something (after a lot of struggle) have we bemoaned about how better off we were before?  We aspire for something new mainly for its novelty or coolness quotient or even just because our friends have it.(At least I am famous for aspiring for stuff  just because somebody else have them without really having any need for them). Most of the times these change do click for us but then there are times when we regret our decision also. Maybe a little bit of pondering and a reality check would make our lives better. Change is the only constant, but change should definitely not be to make the life miserable at least not those changes for which we have an option.

So here are a few things I would not like to change in my life even though I have newer options - just because they work perfectly fine for and I would be miserable with the change. 
                              - filter coffee for mochas and cappuccinos.
                               - my books for e-books.
                               - my morning newspaper for online newspaper.
                               - staying in India for settling abroad.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Indians and Cricket - We are symbiotic.

1. I am an Indian and I am born to love, at the very least like cricket.
2. I will have my lay-man's opinion on every bowler, every batsmen, every ball bowled, every run taken, every wicket taken, every technique adopted, every cricket rule that exists or does not exist and will dissect a cricket match to shreds, over a cup of coffee with my friends.
3. No matter how much I declare it as a silly game, if I see a nail-bitting cricket match while flipping channels, especially a live one, I will stop, watch and cheer for the team that wins, no matter which team it is.
4. #2 applies only if the Indian team is not playing. If Indian team is playing I will first declare them as typical to bring a match to this "close a finish" and then I will sit and chew on my nails praying fervently that they do win
5. I got goosebumps and my stomach was churning watching the "Lagaan cricket match", despite the knowledge that it is a movie and India is going to win ultimately.
6. I really believe that my prayers contribute significantly to Indian cricket team's winning chances and praying is the least I can do. If I am eccentric enough, I will offer prayers at temple/church/mosque/gurudwara to improve the odds of Indian team winning an important cricket match.
7. I will complain aloud about(euphemism) the Indian cricket team(every aspect of it) after we loose a match , pretend to not care about the win or lose. I will even say "the team does need such treatment meted out to it once in a while for their arrogance and over confidence". But inside I will be bitterly disappointed and dejected that the team lost the match and decide to pray more for the team for next match.
8. I would have at some point of time in my life, declared that I will not watch the important match India is playing because if I watch India will surely loose. I will ask my friends and family to watch it for me.
9. After declaring #8, I will manage to take a sneak-peak at the game at the exact moment when either the Indian team looses a wicket or drops a wicket. I will then shudder my shoulders in exasperation and exclaim to the others "See .. this is what I told you".
10. I will want Sachin Tendulkar to hit a century every single time he comes out to bat, and if he indeed hits a century, I will want a 150 or a double century.
11. Every time I read an article about Sachin or watch a video clipping of his achievements, I get goosebumps.
12. I will defend Sachin vehemently if anybody even dares to say that Sachin is not a match winner and if Sachin scores big in a match, India will loose the game.
13. I will aspire to watch every single cricket match that India is playing from a stadium.
14. I will prepare myself for an important cricket match that India is playing for days together. I will declare that I will not study or do my homework that day,pester mom to make some snacks,
 postpone my meetings and other commitments, get home early from work and get all the food ready. I will hate to be disturbed when the Indian team is playing well.
14. I am an Indian girl and I will have crush on at least one cricketer during my teenage. I will have his posters on my bedroom walls, read up every bit of information on him and chant his name day in and day out and drive the others around me crazy.
15. I am an Indian parent and my secret ambition will be to make my son part of Indian cricket team. Cricket bat is the first toy I will buy for him.